About the Journal

E-ISSN : 2655-691X

First Publication: vol. 2 no. 1 Tahun 2019

Manuscript Type: Research, Tinjauan/Telaah Literatur, dan Penelitian Singkat

Publication Period:   March-August and September - February

Tjut Nyak Dhien University's faculty of agriculture and animal husbandry is located in Medan. This paper is used as a framework for the publication of scientific work resulting from research connected to animal husbandry produced by students, lecturers, and practitioners. The major journal for animal husbandry publishes articles on science and research, covering fundamental and practical studies as well as academic papers with knowledge, particularly in the area of animal husbandry. The Editing Team will first review all incoming content to determine whether it is eligible for publishing and whether the author should make any modifications.