Alat penghitung kemasan ikan pada stok berbasis arduino uno

  • Muhammad Syaifullah Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien
Kata Kunci: Teknologi, Alat Penghitung, Arduino Uno, Sensor


In the industrial world, what is called technology is factory performance, for example in the process of calculating an item on site. Some industries still use manual processes, so problems arise, because in the manual work process, there are still many errors, and the process of counting goods is less accurate. Based on the problems faced, it is necessary to research and design a tool that can detect and count items based on Arduino Uno using an infrared sensor. This research aims to analyze the accuracy of counting fish packages and develop technology for calculating the number of fish packages with a high level of accuracy. Technology is something that is created to help and make work easier in various aspects necessary for building and living comfort. With this tool system, activities in the process of calculating an item can automatically read the quantity quickly and precisely. This test aims to determine the sensitivity of the infrared sensor and the distance of the infrared sensor in detecting goods.
